Each year the school uses a range of information to decide what is going well and to set targets for improvement.  The school uses funding and grants to support the aims.

Here are our priorities for the school year 2021 to 2022:

Priority One: To support pupils and staff effectively to recover from the effects of the pandemic on both wellbeing and attainment.

 How will we achieve this?

Basic skills and pupil progress

  • Implement a programme of formative assessment to gain an accurate and detailed picture of the strengths and gaps of individual and groups of learners.
  • Use the information to assess current standards and identify those who may need a higher level of support to catch up, or those who have maintained progress and need extending.
  • Ensure that pupils who were identified as more able and talented prior to Covid are supported to achieve higher levels through catch up and extend opportunities
  • Use additional teacher and teaching assistant hours to enable appropriate interventions to be delivered, individual and group, and to support differentiation within the classroom
  • Audit resources to ensure good provision e.g. Numicon
  • Daily starters for language and maths lessons to practice and strengthen key skills and concepts
  • Ensure high quality resource/subscriptions to support effective teaching and learning for literacy and numeracy

Wellbeing and pupil resilience

  • Identify pupils who are experiencing barriers to academic learning (Thrive screening, PASS, staff observation).
  • Develop the school approach to supporting pupils who needs are based in social and emotional challenges –
  • Paul Dix behavior management whole school approach
  • Trauma Informed Schools training for 2 staff members
  • ELSA training to be accessed once available (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
  • Thrive CPD and license to be maintained
  • Emotional wellbeing support strategies – refresher training for staff
  • Re-introduce circle time check-ins for all on a Monday morning
  • Ensuring emotionally available adult teams to support increased needs within classes
  • Explore and implement strategies such as Lego Therapy
  • Develop wellbeing and social skills through extra curricular opportunities within Covid restrictions e.g. Breakfast Club
  • Seek opportunities for pupils to engage with activities that are fun, physical and promote physical literacy e.g. circus skills workshops, Honey pot provision

Staff training and information

  • Review all statutory training needs and plan for updates in a manageable timetable
  • Develop an induction programme for new staff
  • Update the staff handbook


Priority Two: Implement the new Additional Learning Needs  framework (ALN) and ensure that all pupils make progress towards targets, receiving provision to support their needs.

How will we achieve this?


  • Access LA training and support for the implementation of the new ALN system called Tyfu  – ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator)
  • Target pupils at School Action Plus for transfer to the system in the first instance, followed by those at School Action in the targeted year groups
  • Develop the school’s Universal Learning Provision map (ULP) in line with Local Authority expectations
  • Provide training to staff, and support to parents, for accessing Tyfu

Supporting pupils and families

  • ALNCo to meet termly with all teachers  to review assessment data and individual targets
  • Teacher to provide a provision map of how support in class in being used/targetted
  • ALNCo to widen the assessment base used to identify possible ALN
  • ANLCo to attend consultations to develop knowledge of strategies for pupils
  • ALNCo and teachers to work with external agencies to support needs, attending reviews and implementing advice and strategies

Pre-school setting and transition

  • ALNCo to meet termly with 3+ setting leader to review pupils in setting
  • Setting leader to have an additional 2 hours weekly to support the needs / attend meetings for wellbeing / ALN etc
  • Setting pupils to be entered onto Tyfu if appropriate


Priority Three: Continue to develop plan for the New Curriculum for Wales in readiness for Sept 2022

How will we achieve this?

Pupil Voice

  • Restart student councils – this is an opportunity to relaunch and re-brand
  • Ensure that all pupils are represented and are knowledgeable about the work of the student groups – assemblies, displays etc
  • Embed current practices and further explore how pupil voice can influence learning, whilst ensuring a broad, balance curriculum that meets the requirements of the cross curricular skills


  • Ensure a sustainable repair and replace programme within the budget to keep ICT stock quality maintained
  • Continue to develop how ICT can support innovation in developing and delivering the curriculum for Wales
  • Review the 360 degree Cymru tool to gauge where the school is at, and plan for improvements

Curriculum Design

  • Formalise and share the vision and commentary that sits beneath it as previously devised through stakeholder development
  • Audit the four purposes and What Matters statements against current practice to identify areas of strength and weaknesses in current provision
  • Read guidance and information produced by Welsh Government and the Local Authority to support the process of curriculum design
  • Work with all stakeholders and the cluster of schools to maximize skill and productivity in developing the curriculum
  • Explore ways in which pupil progress can be monitored – with a focus on formative assessment, and evaluate effectiveness (e.g. Taith 360)


  • Enable leaders of learning to attend appropriate training events to support curriculum design and the development of pedagogy
  • Ensure that appropriate time is given to staff feedback and dissemination of information/learning for all school staff
  • Enable staff to work together within and across schools to share good practice and pool ideas/resources/planning e.g. reforming triads